The fair and sustainable business models developed in C4B have a huge replication potential throughout Europe.
The consortium has carried out a preliminary analysis to map potential targets of replication per each value chain analyses in C4B. This analysis was based on the distribution of available biomass in different European countries and/or the development of a specific primary sector across Europe.The replicability of the C4B Business models in other regions and business settings will be demonstrated by providing financial support to third parties, i.e., to primary producers, academic researchers, start-ups, SMEs that will test the applicability, scalability and replicability of the C4B business models, through the organization of Open Call (OC) used to select up to 8 projects (i.e., use cases).
They will allow to test and implement the business models developed by C4B and facilitate the accelerate the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy. The 8 use cases will be evaluated by an appointed panel of experts.

C4B Replicant potential.
Relevant countries for replication are shaded in blue.
Red pins indicated the locations of case studies.