- To build a C4B Stakeholders’ Panel and implement the multi-actor approach (MAA) to co-create solutions and innovations, and to improve the capacity of the businesses and individuals for implementing bioeconomy measures, empowering the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovations Systems (AKISs) in Europe.
- To advance the understanding of bio-based value chains by carrying out a holistic analysis that considers multiple aspects such as technological factors, business models and business environment, primary producers’ behaviour, contractual agreements and ownership, fairness and power balance, and sustainability.
- To develop, simulate and promote new fair, scalable and replicable business models for different primary production sectors that support the vibrancy and economic viability of rural communities.
- To develop indicators to evaluate the impact for farmers, foresters and rural actors, and to assess the sustainability benefits of the innovative business models.
- To demonstrate the scalability and replicability of the C4B fair and sustainable business models in different business settings and geographical areas, eventually stimulating the uptake of the results developed in the project.
- To promote bioeconomy-related interventions in the new common agriculture policy (CAP).
- To ensure wide visibility of C4B, increase the awareness on the of bioeconomy-related interventions, stimulate the replication of the new fair and sustainable business, and foster the multiplication of their economic, social and environmental benefits throughout Europe.